live Online classes

Sail into 2024 feeling bright, energised & supported with your health and wellbeing, all from the comfort of home.



My name is Beth and I am London's leading specialist in the Solomon Yogalates Method.

Conceived in Byron Bay 30 years ago, Yogalates is an award-winning method that intelligently combines two groundbreaking methods, Yoga & Pilates, into one dynamic and highly effective practice.

As my students will attest, I am passionate about helping people improve their strength, posture, breathing, mobility and overall health and confidence, all from the comfort of home.

For those who would like it, there is the option for students to receive individual feedback and tailored support from me over Zoom during the classes, helping you progress in your practice with confidence.

Gift yourself the benefits of three different yoga practices per week to help you feel your very best moving into the new year…

  • Soothing Yin Yoga to relax, unwind, and create space through gentle yet deep stretching.

  • Empowering Yogalates to improve strength & flexibility, bone density, core stability and overall wellbeing.

  • Energising Hatha Yoga to relieve tension, calm the mind, improve your breathing and bring greater harmony to all systems of the body.


Class timetable:

  • Yin Yoga - Tuesdays, 8.15-9.15pm

Floor-based postures are held in a passive way in this slow and gentle, yet transformative practice. With the help of cushions and blankets students are encouraged to completely relax, allowing for restrictions in the connective tissue to release gently, improving circulation, energy flow and mood.

Yin Yoga can be highly effective in easing both mental and physical fatigue and chronic tension, which is why it is growing in popularity, particularly among those with tighter bodies and busy lives, who are craving the time and space to slow down.

Great for all levels, even beginners.


  • Yogalates - Thursdays, 6.45-8pm

This 75 minute full spectrum Yogalates class is the place to start if you are serious about improving your overall strength, core, mobility and joint health!

We’ll develop core stability and endurance, coordinating breath with movement and incorporating light weights & bands to improve muscle tone, joint stability and bone density.

Class concludes with a short guided meditation, soothing the nervous system and aiding a great night’s sleep.

This class is suitable for most ages & abilities.


  • Hatha Yoga - Saturdays, 8.30-9.30am

Shake off the stresses of the week and feel energised and alert from head-to-toe with this morning Hatha Yoga class.

Yoga postures are highly effective for creating space in restricted areas of the body, getting energy and circulation flowing and relieving commonly tight areas such as hips, back, hamstrings and shoulders.

Moving steadily through a variety of enlivening yoga postures, coordinating breath with movement to settle a busy mind, we’ll explore the crucial balance between effort & ease, both on and off the mat.

Mixed level class, some experience of Yoga or Yogalates is recommended.



Winter term dates:

Term starts: 2nd January 2024

Term ends: wk/c 25th March 2024

There will be a break from live classes during half term (wk/c 12th February). All classes are streamed via Zoom, UK time.

“Beth’s online classes are an excellent complement to the hours I spend cycling and walking. My core stability and arm strength have definitely improved. Best of all is access to the replays of classes on the hub which means I can start any day of the week with Yogalates!”
— Mary Eagleson, 65, Scottish Highlands
“I really love your classes; my back ache is a distant memory and I’m a little bit taller than I was before I joined. I can’t say I find yoga easy, in fact I find a lot of it challenging, but your explanation of each pose and transition is very clear, informative and never rushed. I learn something new every week.”
— Abigail Emery

Single class pass:

Drop in on a casual basis if you prefer. Pick the Zoom class you want to attend and instantly receive the link to join live. Easy!

  • Single live stream class - £20


“Having practiced Yoga on and off since I was 18 years old, today was the first day where I perceived Downward Dog as a relaxing pose rather than a challenge. Thank you so much for your brilliant work and approach - it is making a massive difference and I am looking forward to every session.”
— Birgitta, 58, Lancashire
“I’ve been attending Beth’s online classes for quite some time and can say in all honesty, they have been truly life-changing!  I adore her super-zen yet fun presence and how she can make every class truly unique and feel individually tailored to you. Beth’s lessons have not only made me stronger and healthier, but also equipped me with a sensory awareness of my body and how to make the most out of any workout, on or off the mat.”
— Su, 30, London
“I can’t live without the Yogalates online classes. Apart from holding my stiffness at bay, the online hub gives me freedom to exercise when it fits my schedule. Beth’s knowledge, enthusiasm, encouraging teaching style and demonstration of poses comes across excellently online.”
— Cecilia Ogvall, 56, Gothenburg, Sweden


I’m new, will I keep up?

My classes are well-paced with an alignment focus, suitable for most abilities. If you choose to have your camera on (optional) I will be able to offer you more tailored support and feedback during class. Everyone is encouraged to progress at their own pace, and modifications and alternatives are offered where appropriate.

If you are currently suffering from an injury or would like advice before signing up, don’t hesitate to email me at

Video on or off?

Either. Have your camera off if you prefer the privacy, or on if you’d like feedback during class. Two advantages to having your camera on is that I can help you progress with your practice more safely, and move it from strength to strength, but it is the student's decision.

What equipment do I need?

Essentials for all classes: a yoga mat and yoga block.

For the Yogalates classes you’ll also need a resistance band + a pair of 1-2kg light hand weights (or use a couple of cans from the kitchen).

For the Yin class I’d recommend purchasing a yoga bolster, but if you don’t have a bolster you can fashion a DIY alternative at home here:

Can other members of my household join too?

Other members of your household can attend at no extra charge if viewing on the same device in the same room. If more than one person in your household wishes to receive feedback you will need an extra device and those attending will need to purchase individual memberships.

Low income?

Everyone deserves to experience the benefits of regular practice, and we need it now more than ever. If you are unemployed or experiencing financial hardship please let me know so I can support you, just email me at


“The quality and variety of Beth’s online offerings is exceptional. Yogalates feels like the ultimate combination for body and mind; aligned and mindful, flexibility and strength-building, bringing the best of both Eastern and Western approaches. Beth has also introduced me to Yin which is proving a brilliant de-stressor and helps me sleep better. Most of all, her expertise as a teacher and eagerness to share is really motivating and keeps each class interesting. I always feel I’ve learnt something new.”
— Julie, Twickenham

By signing up you’ll be joining a growing & inclusive community of men and women from around the world, committed to feeling better in themselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, body type, financial circumstance and level of experience.